Camphor and lavender filled the air, much to the delight of the elf children, who came from miles around just to breathe something other than the smoke and soot that crowded their dark underground dwellings, especially in winter. They cavorted gleefully and jumped into the back seat of the old 1929 model A sitting in the middle of the pond. "Don't touch that - oh, you're getting chocolate all over everything!" Elven chocolate was especially messy. Endrich had brought a banana leaf full of the stuff she and her auntie had stored away during the Great Chocolate Shortage. Now the shortage was over and it was boom times again, well-to-do elves interested in travel and the finer things. "More! More!" piped out of one elvish imp, whose face was more covered in brown smears than not. Chocolate and fudge filled the air, much to the delight of the manufacturers, who came from miles around just to sell it.