Der Fahrvergnügend am Bratwurst Gesundheit
"Aye, Sven, bring me gjorken from da fridge!" yodelled Daisy Mädchen to her kid brother.
"If you'll iron mein Lederhosen" she said, curtsying gayly, "then we can traipse to the eidelweiss meadows this afternoon for Strüdel and Wienerdogs."
"Nein!" shouted Helmut , slapping his knee breeches fiercely as he practiced a two-step, two-hop, three-turn Vienna waltz that said - ich bin ein Berliner.
"Halt there!" their son said, "there's a, a, a..., a-"
"Take your time, son," said Horst.
"Ein Schwartzwald in my Frankfurt" he got out. But it didn't help. Horst, Daisy, & Helmut got out their tubas and got into their Volkswagens and headed for the Alps playing 'Neun u. Neunzig luftballoons'