"Bouncing rubber babies!"
"You mean the big ones with the 'made in Taiwan' imprint on their bums?"
"No, the little ones with 'made in Malta' stamp, confetti hair, and enormous diapers, also of confetti" There was no response, so I answered myself: "They're under your black-eyed peas bean bag, by the door."
Life with Rachel was on TV, but not in this country so I got on the internet and YouTubed it. Fishing around for the episode I got side-tracked by Weird marketing opportunities, like bouncing rubber iguanas. Everything seemed to lead back to coffee beans, like my therapist keep telling me. -- They keep me bouncing.
So I grabbed a latte, extra cup, and a ham, in defiance of tradition, fetched the rubber babies and made my assistant eat his bean bag beans from their diapers.
"Happy New Years!"